Monday, December 6, 2010

Missionaries Invite Magelang's Muslims to Open War

Magelang, 3/12/2010 - Hamlet Windusari Kalibening village, district of Magelang Shaman is one of the hamlet who became victims of Merapi 2010, the hamlet that was occupied by 183 families or 569 people, 180 households of which are Muslim. Now more incentive to be a target of missionaries, with the lack of rock logistics and volunteers who come to the village, while a village on it, which just borders on a monument, piling up logistical support from various sources on the lobby-lobby missionaries.

According to Mr Pono, takmir mosque of Al-Muttaqin Windusari, he was often visited by missionaries, ranging from offering him to be a board of trustees Citra Kasih with 400,000 salary, - per month, was offered logistical assistance in the form of instant noodles until the offered money amounting to Rp. 20 million to buy land "waqf" village.

Mr Pono which has been the chairman of the mosque of Al-Mutaqin takmir, also actively entered the Islamic activities. In a room in the house he is also in use as temporary because there is no landfill sites and buildings, while the TPQ he held in the mosque of al mutaqin located just next to the house.

Because of Merapi disaster this time, the villagers are mostly farmers' livelihood has not been able to return to the field, because the whole village paddy fields covered with sand that is very difficult to dibajaki with the buffalo. Automatic, current residents have no income for their daily life, while logistical assistance was minimal. Mr. Pono hoping there Muslim volunteers who came, carrying relief supplies logistics and prayer, TPA, TPQ and preachers to give spiritual guidance to the younger generation especially for terbentengi village of Christianization effort.

So for that, it really is our duty, duty as a Muslim who must care for our brothers not only hit by the eruption of Merapi, but also the rest of our brethren who have been targeted for in Kristenkan missionary (in Murtadkan of Islam). From it, the people of Islam everywhere, and especially Muslims in Magelang, this should be a lot of rethinking serious and continuous. Let us not be complacent with our own affairs and the world, and forget our brothers who become targets of Christianization effort. They've got the punishment of this world of calamity Merapi, do not let them Hereafter will also feel the heat clouds even more powerful.
(Oleh : Bekti Sejati & Abu Fatih As-Salawy)

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