Sunday, November 7, 2010

Truth in Every Breath

"Truth, al-Haq should be submitted even though it's sick!" Words that became my principles in providing a role for the revival and advancement of Dinul Haq, Islam rahmatan lil alamin. Al-Haq min al-Qur'an wa Sunnah, a guideline that should be a handle of life of all mankind. Not only for Muslims only. Because Islam is mercy for the universe that brought human civilization to the right path and filled with His good pleasure. In carrying al-haq is there any method that must be adopted. Not carelessly method which plunges us in a cage instead of enemies and humiliation well. But the method of movement that brings us to His good pleasure and His jannah.

The main thing that made me experience the spectacular changes in my life because of one book that I read that made me that in fact ordinary people become loyal alone to spread the teachings of the religion of truth for the sake of the ultimate truth brought by the Messenger of Allah. Ma'alim fii ath-Thoriq work of an Islamic thinker, Ash-Shaheed (inshaAllah) Sayyid Qutb, published by the publisher Uswah (may God always keep and make it into the publishers who disseminate the truth wherever and whenever). He is a Muslim warrior who fought with the road only to preach the worship of one God, namely Allah and shun the thagut-all the things beyond the limit. What is beyond the limit? Acknowledging the existence of other things that could benefit or harm other than Allah is a form of our proximity to the taghut.

Sayyid Qutb was a young man of letters and also a literary critic most genius in his day. From a writer who never think of anything else besides being a literary world with big hearts and fight for Islam with every thought that he wrote and he was describing in every essay, his work and his books. Until he finally God mensyahidkan gallows with intermediaries from Egypt that dholim government. Thayyibah last sentence is the sentence which is the last speech he is the key to paradise for him.

Rev. Ramadyangga Ardhi a 19-year-old teenager. He began to change his life path that previously was an ordinary teenager becomes extraordinary. Why amazing? Because his life solely to fight for this noble religion. Islam, rahmatan lil alamin. Truth is not from men or from anything that man out of the human mind to organize their lives. But, truth is what God Almighty - the Creator, the One set and has been a guidance for mankind and what is the Messenger of Allah taught to his people that when we follow will be the intercession for us.
It is really amazing when I read the book. The figure was drawn Islamic fighters and can bring readers into a state where the Egyptian government at that time atrocities actually occurred. Subhanallah that the words directly out of my mouth. After learning how to lunge kick enforcers of Islamic law in Egypt at that time who was always overshadowed by terror and vilification of the enemies of God, the Jews laknatullah. Ash-Shaheed (inshaAllah) Sayyid Qutb, fight against all forms of threats and defamation. Despite all the punishment he received until his body became weak endurance and often sick.

"Finger that always exhibit the oneness of God in every prayer, refused to write a letter the subjection of goods or surrendered to the regime thawaghit ..." the words of Sayyid Qutb's rejection of subordination to the regime that drove him to Egypt thagut gallows. He will never subjugate themselves to His creatures. He will never sell La ilaha ILLALLAH for a bite of rice. He would never sell the faith for the sake of a comfortable life. On the contrary, he died and sacrificed themselves for the sake of elevating La ilaha ILLALLAH.

Subhanallah, just the words that is what could I say look at the heart of a fighter persistence enforcement of Islamic law. Perhaps this self is not the one who can oppose tyranny as he. Perhaps this self is not a human being can survive withstand punishment. But, this self has faith that will always accompany each motion endless struggle that will give the spirit of struggle in each motion step.

Truth must be submitted in every breath of life. Words of God Almighty must be submitted even one paragraph. Sunnah of Prophet PBUH-Sunnah should be enforced. Noble Shari'a, Islamic law must be upheld. By reaching mardhotillah. By elevating the sentence thoyyibah. By elevating the sentence ILLAHA ILLALLAH LAA. While the enemies of Islam to hate. Although the devil friends hate him. Revelation Ramadyangga Ardhi will still take courage, stand up straight on the road of glory. Street struggle to defend a noble religion, Islam rahmatan lil alamin.

This story is to be included in the Competition Acts evocative Pro-U Media 2010 in

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

apaan tuh artinya..
ane kurang paham, ma..

ramadyangga said...

liat artinya di file atasnya om